Frogs Legs - Cuisses de Grenouille

The Cuisses de Grenouille are the typical French dish that we call 'frogs legs'. It is traditionally associated with France and the Parisian food and cuisine though frogs legs are cooked in various places all over the world.

Frogs legs prepared with butter, garlic and parsley sauce and then served with salad are a must. 3000 to 4000 tons of cuisses de grenouilles are consumed annually in France, that represents around 80 million frogs.

Top Tip! Frogs being a protected species in France, they are now imported from Asia. Preparing frogs legs is simple, just dip them into flour, then add garlic and fry them in olive oil in a pan, for 5 minutes on each side. Outstanding!

The flavour of French frogs legs is great when cooked this way, that is the most popular method of cooking cuisses de grenouille in France. As many traditional French dishes, you should taste frogs legs before saying you do not like them.

The A la Parisienne (Paris-style) frogs’ legs recipe is very subtle. Such a recipe demands that legs be cooked in boiling water. Add the juice of a lemon, salt and pepper to the blend. Drain the legs, then dip them into eggs and roll them in bread crumbs. Fry two or three minutes until legs are tender. You can then serve them with an onion sauce. The taste is a combination of refined chicken and fresh fish flavours.

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